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Two Nzululwazi Primary School learners succumbed to burn wounds

Seven learners from Nzulula primary school were badly burned and two of them succumbed to burnt wounds and died after they were rushed to hospital following a tragic incident which occurred at school Tuesday 4 May 2021.

Author: ECDOE

Date: 06/05/2021

EC Education holds District Education Summit

EC Education holds District Education Summit

Interfacing public sector operations to attain Social Cohesion in the midst of the COVID 19 and beyond for realization and actualization of a decolonized education system was the theme of the Education Summit held by the Eastern Cape Department of Education MEC Fundile Gade in Engcobo, Chris Hani East Education District

Author: Thando Ngcume

Date: 03/05/2021

MEC Gade leads Chris Hani East District's Education Summit

The Eastern Cape Department of Education MEC, Fundile Gade will tomorrow, April 29, 2021 kick-start the Chris Hani East District's two day Education Summit with a media briefing scheduled for 10:00 am at the Engcobo Municipal Council Chambers.

Author: Cheera-Dee Robinson

Date: 28/04/2021

MEC Gade to brief media on State of Readiness for school Reopening

The MEC for the Eastern Cape Department of Education Mr. Fundile Gade will brief the media on the Department's state of readiness to reopen schools after the downgrade of the country to level 3 from the 1 June 2020 in terms of the lockdown regulations and directives.

Author: ECDOE

Date: 28/05/2020

Eastern Cape matric pass rate marks huge improvement

Eastern Cape matric pass rate marks huge improvement

The Eastern Cape had the highest improvement of matric results in the country after obtaining a 76.5% pass rate in the 2019 matric examinations, up from the 70.6 % last year. The national pa...

Author: ECDOE

Date: 08/01/2020

How to get your results

How to get your results

Learners can access their results (or register to receive them) in the following ways: Learners can obtain their results directly from the schools or learning facilities at...

Author: ECDOE

Date: 08/01/2020