Maclear gets a new state of the art primary school

Author: ECDOE
Date: 18/10/2021

Eastern Cape Education MEC, Fundile Gade will officilly handover a multimillion worth and newly built Ngxaza Primary School, tomorrow, Tuesday, October 19th, 2021 at Ngxaza Village in Maclear at 09:00. 

Ngxaza has 396 registered learners and the school boasts with state of the art sports facility, has 19 classrooms, 1 multipurpose centre, science and media centre as well as a fully equipped nutrition centre ,Grade R facility, a hall and an administration block. 

Details of the event is as follows:

Date: 19 October 2021
Venue: Ngxaza Primary School in Maclear 

Issued by : ECDoE Communications
For more information please contact, Mali Mtima @ 084 230 1976