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Bonke Ngabethu theme of outreach programme

Author: Thando Ngcume
Date: 21/09/2021

Eastern Cape Department of Education in partnership with the Eastern Cape Disability Economic Empowerment Trust(ECDEET) held their annual Inclusive Education outreach trust programme.

Speaking on behalf of the Department, Inclusive Education Acting Director, Simone Ncapayi explained why there is such a programme in the Department.

He said, "The  Inclusive Education Directorate's annual outreach programme is to assist learners driven by the theme: Bonke Ngabethu".

Ncapayi also explained that the programme is advocacy driven as well. "The programme also helps to advocate on the rights of learners who experience barriers in learning," said Ncapayi. 

Giving the background was ECDEET CEO, Thabiso Petuka, where he said, "The Outreach programme for Inclusive Education in partnership with ECDEET so as to perform assessments on learners with special needs to assess what type of support they require for schooling at the same time our institution provides a free oral health programme to all learners."

Education District Director Monwabisi Mbangeni hosted head office together with different stakeholders on the 1st day of the programme.

Mbangeni said, "This was very much appreciative of the visit and its main theme "BONKE NGABETHU" with the intention of mobilising the out of school youth with disabilities, they are barred from attending school because of their disabilities, some of the disabilities are visible and some are invisible, it has been an eye opener to the ANW community and has yielded positive results. 

It has strengthened the working relations with the sister departments who had successfully managed to mobilise the disabled out of school youth that has benefited, from the free services that were offered (screening, oral health and other services) the ESSS section is resuscitating the School Based Support Teams (SBST)and District Based Support Team (DBST) so as to continue with this very important initiative of the department".