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Where Can I Find An ABET Center? 
Click on the ABET District Coordinators to get a list of Adult Basic Education and Training in the Eastern Cape.
What Medications Are Available To Treat H1N1 Flu Virus Infections? 
The antiviral drugs oseltamivir or zanamivir are only recommended for those at risk of complications.
Prescribed Medications 
Take medications for symptom relief as needed for fever and pain such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. These medicines do not need to be taken regularly if your symptoms improve. Do not give aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) or products that contain aspirin to children or teenagers 18 years old or younger. Children younger than 4 years of age should not be given over-the-counter cold medications without first speaking with a health care provider. Should you be prescribed antiviral medication take it as directed (where applicable - see 5 below). Continue to cover your cough and wash your hands often (even when taking antiviral medications), to prevent spreading influenza to others.
Call the clinic/GP if you (or your child) experience any side effects; i.e. nausea, vomiting, rash, or unusual behavior.
Is Drug Testing Permissible? 
By its very nature, drug testing is an invasion of privacy and may infringe the constitutional and personal rights of learners. It should therefore not be the first point of intervention.
Is It Important To Enroll A Child For Grade R? 
Yes, Early Childhood Education assists children in becoming better learners. They learn through play while having fun with their peers, however, attendance to grade R is not compulsory.
Where Can One Check If The Pension Benefits Of A Former Educator Have Been Paid Out? 
Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF)
Hotline: 0807 723 646/ 0800 117 669
Call Centre: (012) 319 1000
Is It Important To Enrol A Child For Grade R? 
Yes, Early Childhood Education assists children in becoming better learners. They learn through play while having fun with their peers, however, attendance to grade R is not compulsory.
Are There Any Bursaries Available For Students? 
Yes. The Department introduced the public FET College Bursary Scheme. Through the bursary scheme the DoE provides access to vocational education and training at public FET Colleges.
What Is The Admission Age For A Grade 1 Pupil? 
The admission age of a learner to a public school to grade 1 is age five turning six by 30 June in the year of admission.
For admission to grade R it is four turning five by 30 June in the year of admission.
Parents may however choose to send their children to grade R and grade 1 at a slightly older age, namely 5 turning 6 in the year of admission to grade R or 6 turning 7 in the year of admission to grade 1.
Can A School Withhold Results Because Of Outstanding School Fees? 
No. No learner can be denied admission or otherwise discriminated against on grounds of the parent's inability or failure to pay school fees.
What is the Vision and Mission of the ECDoE? 
To Implement appropriate and relevant educational programmes through quality teaching and learning, mobilise community and stakeholder support through participation, and institutionalise a culture of accountability at all levels of the Department.
To provide learners with opportunities to become productive and responsible citizens through quality basic education.
When Can You Be Exempt From School Fees? 
Parents may be exempted from paying school fees depending on their combined annual gross income.
The categories for the purpose of exemption are as follows:
If the combined annual gross income of the parents is less than ten times the annual school fees per learner, the parent qualifies for full If the combined annual gross income of the parents is less than thirty times but more than ten times the annual school fees per learner, the parent qualifies for partial exemption If the combined annual gross income of the parents is more than thirty times the annual school fees per learner, the parent does not qualify for exemption. The categories are applicable if the annual school fees are determined in terms of section 39 of the Act.
A parent who wishes to be exempted from payment of school fees for each individual learner at a particular school must apply in writing to the chairperson of the governing body on the form that may be requested from the school.
What Bursaries Are Offered By The ECDoE? 
Funza Lushaka Bursary is a program designed to boost recruitment into teaching especially in priority (rural) areas.
National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is a bursary/loan that is available for students from previously disadvantaged backgrounds to study at Institutions of Higher Learning. Application forms are obtainable from the Student Financial Aid offices at all Higher Educational Institutions.
Can A Child Be Refused Registration? 
Feeder zones were created in order to control the learner numbers in schools and coordinate parental preferences. First preference must be given to a learner who lives in the feeder zone of a school.
A learner who lives outside the feeder zone can seek admission at whichever school she/he chooses, however, access to the chosen school cannot be guaranteed.
How Can I Apply For A FET College Bursary? 
Enrol at a Public FET College for NC(V) Programmes and apply for a bursary.
Suspending A Learner 
The governing body of a public school may, after a fair hearing, suspend a learner from attending the school as a correctional measure for a period not longer than a week or in consultation with the Head of Department, pending a decision as to whether the learner is to be expelled from the school by the Head of Department.
Where Can One Report Corrupt Principals And Educators In Public Schools? 
Please report any corruption at the District or Head Office.
Can A Child Be Expelled From School Because She Is Pregnant? 
The state may not unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly against anyone on one or more grounds, including race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language and birth.
Where do I apply for a copy of my Matric Certificate? 
Please call Mr Siphelele Mazomba from Examinations and Assessments.
Cell: 073 522 4314
Physical Address: Steve Vukile Tshwete Education Complex, Zone 6, Zwelitsha, 5608
Postal Address: Private Bag X0032, Bhisho, 5605
Click on Resource Centre and select forms to download application form in lieu of lost certificate, to complete the application you will need to pay R97 at Standard Bank (details on the form) and attach proof of payment, attach a copy of your ID and get the form signed by a commissioner of oaths.
Those 3 simple steps will be in ensuring a complete application form.
Once that is done you will have to submit the form at your nearest district office (Exams office). You will receive a statement of symbol immediately after lodging your application and the actual certificate will be printed by Umalusi within a period of 4-6 weeks.
What Is The Pandemic H1N1 influenza Virus? 
The pandemic A(H1N1) influenza (flu) virus (germ) is a new member of the influenza virus family. Different influenza viruses cause the annual seasonal (winter) flu and, every few decades, a global pandemic.
Influenza viruses infect birds and mammals and are usually species specific. Occasionally viruses cross over from one species to another. The pandemic A(H1N1) virus seems to have originated in pigs; however it is not spreading in pigs or from pigs to humans but only between human beings.
Seasonal human influenza results in 6000 to 10 000 deaths every winter in South Africa and between 250 000 - 500 000 deaths globally, mostly in people over 65 and those with certain chronic medical conditions. In contrast, during pandemic influenza many of the deaths occur in younger and apparently healthy individuals. The number of deaths during an influenza pandemic varies greatly, depending mostly on the virulence of the virus, but also on factors like crowding, individual health, access to health care, and preventive measures. For the 1918 flu pandemic estimates of 25 to 40 million deaths worldwide are often quoted. The estimates for excess deaths worldwide in the 1957 and 1968 pandemics are between one and two million.
Symptoms of An Influenza Illness 
These are the same for pandemic and seasonal influenza. Typical symptoms include a sudden onset of high fever, cough, runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, headache, body aches, chills, tiredness, and lack of appetite. Some of those affected have reported nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea.
Who Is At Risk Of Complications? 
Persons (adults or children) with underlying medical conditions and who are receiving regular medical care for chronic pulmonary disease (including asthma) and cardiac disease (excluding hypertension), chronic renal and hepatic diseases, diabetes mellifluous and similar metabolic disorders.
Individuals who are suppressed (HIV-infected, on unimpressive therapy, etc.)
Adults and children who have any condition (e.g., difficulty in understanding, spinal cord injuries, seizure or other intramuscular disorders) which make it difficult to cough and are at risk of inhaling respiratory secretions.
Children and adolescents on aspirin therapy and at risk of Reyes syndrome if contracting any kind of flu.
Residents of nursing homes, and other chronic-care facilities.
Pregnant women Contacts who do not have flu symptoms should continue with their regular daily activities, including going to work or school, whether or not they have or been in contact with someone who is reported to have H1N1 flu.
Should I Be Tested? 
Laboratory testing of people with a flu like illness is NOT generally recommended, as it is expensive and does not affect the treatment. Laboratory testing is only recommended for the following patients with the above symptoms and a clinical picture of severe respiratory disease where a positive test will affect patient management.
Patients with co-morbid disease and at risk for serious complications (see 10 below) and who have the symptoms and signs of severe acute respiratory illness. Clusters of cases where a diagnosis of the cause of the outbreak is needed. An individual who has died where pandemic influenza A(H1N1) is suspected as the cause of death.
When To Seek Emergency Care 
If your child experiences any of the following: Fast breathing or trouble breathing Bluish or grey skin colour Not drinking enough fluids Severe or persistent vomiting Not waking up or not interacting Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough.
Where Can I Get an Admission Form? 
How do I apply for lost Or get a Replacement Certificate 
Documents Required from the Applicant:
A completed application form.
Surname and names used at the time of writing the examination. ID Copy (certified - Not older than 6 months).
Signed and stamped affidavit from SAPS, stating the status of the original certificate. Proof of payment in the form of a receipt (R141.00, subject to change).
N.B: Previous certificate is cancelled when a replacement certificate is issued.
How I combine my matric results 
Documents Required from the Applicants:
Copies of results to be combined.
ID Copy (certified - Not older than 6 months).
Payment (R141.00, subject to change, if an applicant qualifies).
How can I get my matric certificate again? 
Administrative Errors
(examples: incorrect spelling of name or surname, incorrect ID No or date of Birth due to capturing error)
Documents Required from the applicant:
1. Application form detailing the change required.
2. A detailed affidavit indicating the following:
a) Name, Surname ID No/ Date of birth, contact details of the person concerned, affirmation that he/she is the rightful ownerof the certificate;
b) The reason for the request;
c) The reason for not detecting the error prior the issuance of the certificate;
d) Steps taken to correct the error prior the issuance of the certificate.
3. Certified copy of ID document or Birth Certificate ( not older than 3 months) issued prior to the writing of the exams.
4. Original Umalusi Certificate.
Documents Required from District/ Province
• Affidavit from the District/ Province indicating:
• how the error was identified;
• what steps were taken to address the error;
• What steps have been taken to preventfuture occurrence of the same nature.
Important Information:
No changes will be made on a replacement certificate unless the department erroneously requested the replacement certificate. In that case, the replacement certificate will have to be returned to Umalusi.
An ID document/birth certificate issued after the writing of the exams will not be consid- ered.
Umalusi reserves the right to request additional information and/or interview the candi- date to support such applications.
Cange of Marks
Documents required from the applicant:
1. Name, Surname and ID No,/ Date of Birth, contact details of the applicant.
2. Certified copy of ID/ Birth Certificate (not older than 3 months) issued prior to the writing of the examination.
3. Original Umalusi certificate.
Documents required from the District/ Povince:
1) Application form;
2) A copy of the marksheet;
3) A copy of the front page of the answer book (as prrof of the correct mark);
4) A copy of the audit trail of the candidate record indicating the changes effected.
5) An affidavit from the District/ Province indicating:
a) Name, Surname and ID No,/ Date of Birth, contact details of the applicant;
b) Change requested;
c) The reason for the change being requested;
d) How the error was identified;
e) Why the change is being requested is being requested after the certificate was printed;
f) What steps were taken to correct the error;
g) What steps have been taken to prevent future occurrence of the same nature.
Important Information:
Umalusi reserves the right to request additional information and/or interview an as- sessment body official to support such applications.
The application will be processed within 6 months after certification.
Voluntary Changes by the Candidate
A. Gender Change:
Documentation from the applicant:
1. A completed application form indicating the change requested.
2. A detailed affidavit indicating:
a) Name, Surname, ID No/Date of Birth;
b) Contact details of the applicant;
c) Affirmation that he/she is the rightful owner of the certificate;
d) The change requested;
e) The reason for the request.
3. A certified copy of an ID document/ Birth Certificate or valid passport issued prior the writing of the examination (all certified copies should not be more than 3 months old).
4. A certified copy of the ID document indicating the new ID No and names.
5. A letter from the Department of Home Affairs confirming that it has, on behalf of the person in question and in terms of the Registration Act of 1992, has effected the changes to the population register.
Important Information:
Umalusi reserves the right to request additional information and/or interview the candidate to support such applications.
B. Change of name and/ or surname
Documentation required from the applicant:
1. Certified copies of the candidate’s old and new IDs.
2. A detailed affidavit by the candidate.
3. A letter from the Department of Home Affairs confirming that it has, on behalf of the person in question and in terms of the Registration Act of 1992, has effected the changes to the population register.
Corrections on the National Population Register
(resulting in changed names, ID numbers and Date of Birth)
Documentation required from the applicant:
1. Application form detailing the change requested.
2. A detailed affidavit indicating:
a) Name, Surname, ID No/ date of Birth;
b) Contact details of the applicant;
c) Affirmation that he/she is the rightful owner of the certificate;
d) The change requested;
e) The reason for the request.
3. A certified copy of an ID document/Birth Certificate/vald Passport issued prior to the writing of the examination.
4. A certified copy of the ID document indicating new ID number and names.
5. A cetified copy of the legal document issued by the Department of Home Affairs confirming the changes effected to the population register.
6. Original Umalusi Certificate.
7. All certified copies should not be more than 3 months.
Important Information:
Umalusi reserves the right to request additional information and/or interview the candidate to support such applications.