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Reduction in health-related barriers and new HIV, STI and TB infections among learners & educators and increased learner retention within the education system through preventative services and psychosocial support.

Expected Outcomes from School Health Programmes

Enhanced protection offered by schools to prevent and mitigate Health specific barriers to learning and the impact of HIV.

Increased knowledge, skills and attitudes amongst learners and educators to take self-appropriate sexual and reproductive health decisions

Enhanced psychosocial wellbeing of learners and increased protection against negative outcomes


Plan, direct, monitor and report on the implementation of school health campaigns and related school health services. 

Plan, direct, monitor and report on the implementation of the conditional grant for HIV/AIDS & TB, preventative as well as life skills programmes such as substance abuse, teenage pregnancy, safe circumcision practices and other coping skills.

Develop, maintain and facilitate appropriate psychosocial support programmes for learners

Plan and direct the conversion of functional CSTL schools to additional Full - Service Schools