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Women's Day Event urges women to ascend to leadership positions

Author: Nelisiwe Sanyaka
Date: 15/09/2022

There are numerous societal challenges that women experience in their workplaces and societies. For that reason, Eastern Cape Department of Education hosted a women’s day event at Steve Vukile Tshwete Education Complex in Zwelitsha.

The event forms part of the Public Service Women Management Week which is held yearly by the Department to review progress made in the Empowerment of Women and Achievement of Gender Equality.

Adding to the above statement was the Youth and Special Programmes Director, Zukiswa Njotini. She said, " The purpose of this event is part of the ECDoE Women’s Management Week which is in line with the 8-Principle Action Plan for Women Empowerment and Gender Equality in the Public Service." 

Njotini further said, "The 2022 women’s event is not only about empowerment, but also educating women that we are our strongest only when united and must fix each other’s crowns."

The guest speaker Logistics, Disposal Management and Public-Private Partnerships Director Nandipha Tembo said, "Following the month of August which is declared as a women's month, this event is a continuation of the events hosted during this month, therefore as women we have power that ourselves are not aware of and to change the status quo and to change our fortunes, we need to tap into that collective power and wisdom.

Therefore, women must meaningfully ascend to leadership positions and must expressively contribute to influence policy changes that favour women, most importantly, women must empower themselves through different kinds of education.”

Speaking on behalf of the women was the Human Resource Management and Development official Siphokazi Gqomo and she said, "We would like to thank the ECDoE for hosting us, the event did not only taught us about enhancing our developments, but revived and transformed our mindsets, therefore we should not doubt ourselves as women and take it upon ourselves to take charge."