The Eastern Cape Department of Education in collaboration with Social Development, held a virtual summit at the Mandla Makapula Leadership Institute in East London on 11 November 2021.
According to the Minister of Social Development, Lindiwe Zulu, "The close collaboration between our departments serve to ensure that the migration of this function, takes place without disruption to the service that is intended for our children.
Therefore, the two departments are simultaneously focusing on the technical aspect of the function shift, which should be at the Department of Basic Education by 1 April 2022, investing themselves on function improvements which should result in the enhanced early childhood development service and other offerings.
MEC for ECDoE, Fundile Gade stated, "Primarily, this is meant to guarantee synergy in the quality of education offered to learners at a tender age, while properly aligning Early Childhood Development to achieve universal quality access to ECD services for every child."
Sekwana, Deputy Director General (DDG) from the National Department of Social Development said, "We are all one government, we all want what's best for our children."
With a mission to transform our society by building conscious and capable citizens through the provision of integrated social development services with families at the core of social change, Sekwana went on to ‘say we should all have one question in mind, how can we best empower each other to make this project a success.’