SGB elections underway in Eastern Cape

Author: Xabiso Nyati
Date: 13/03/2024

The Eastern Cape Department of Education is currently conducting School Governing Body (SGB) Elections across the Province. The elections commenced on the 1st of March 2024 and will conclude on the 31st of March 2024.

All schools are expected to have followed correct protocols when electing and should have finalized the process come last day of elections.

 The School Administration Directorate has been given the mandate to oversee the process.

Therefore, will be responsible for monitoring and giving guidance to schools as per the SGB Eastern Cape Province Gazette, that regulates elections of SGB’s in Public Schools.

The school governing body (SGB) is a statutory body of parents, educators, non-teaching staff and learners (from grade 8 or higher) who seek to work together to promote the well-being and effectiveness of the school community, thereby enhancing learning and teaching.

In each school the school governing body is responsible for ensuring that the school is governed in the best interest of all stakeholders. The board must decide on and carry out school policies that are suitable for the school, not deviating from legislation.

As stated by Mitha Xalisa, Head of Department at Brownlee Secondary School, “to qualify as a SGB member you must have a child that is already enrolled at the school.”

This allows parents an opportunity to participate and be involved in the education of their children.

Furthermore, the members of the board collaborate with the school for the development of the school and most importantly helping the teachers with any situation that the school is faced with, also taking into consideration the needs of the learners.

In preparation of the SGB elections, schools have put in place measures that include that the candidate has clarity of vision, ethics and strategic direction, holding senior leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and, overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent and also that the learners are of importance in all aspects.

Vuthondaba Primary school teacher, Ms Mafuna said,”I expect that the members will comply with the South African Schools Act and that SGB's will be better prepared than their predecessors were.”

The Department continue to provide support and manuals will be distributed to the candidates.

Subsequent to the elections, newly appointed SGB’s will be inducted.

Schools must establish a culture that supports ongoing professional growth.

The requirements and goals of teachers as professionals, as well as the specific school and community priorities and national strategic aims.

The department of Education continues to be supportive and very positive towards the SGB intentions, to change schools and community for the better.

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