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PYEI Phase 4 Appointment delays

Author: ECDOE
Date: 16/03/2023

The Eastern Cape Department of Education Head of Department (HoD), Mahlubandile Qwase appeals for calm to all the candidates and schools who recently submitted documents for appointments of Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI) candidates for schools, as there have been delays in processing such due to the recent national labour unrest which led to work stoppages.

These Phase 4 candidates were expected to assume their work on March 1st , 2023 with all their documents captured into the system so that they can receive their appointment letters and payment of their stipends thereof.

The department is exploring all possible ways to ensure renewed timelines for processing of appointments of this cohort by districts are met.

The HoD apologises to all affected parties for this inconvenience and that the department is committed in ensuring that the matter is addressed.

Currently, we are accelerating this process mindful of the inconvenience it has caused to schools and the candidates. This was beyond our call, but we are working towards resolving this with speed.

The department will use all available platforms to keep all affected parties informed of the progress at all times”, says Qwase

Enquiries, please contact the Departmental Spokesperson, Mali Mtima @062 057 1591/ MEC Spokesperson Vuyiseka Mboxela at 071 713 2222