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Nelson Mandela Provincial Teacher Development Institute celebrates Teaching Awards

Author: Siphosethu Zimba
Date: 10/12/2022

The Department of Basic Education and the Eastern Cape Education Department celebrated together the success of educators who have made it this far, simultaneously attempting to do advocacy for Teaching Excellence and Education Transformation at the Nelson Mandela Provincial Teacher Development Institute (NMPTDI) in Nelson Mandela Bay.

The Nelson Mandela Provincial Teacher Development Institute hosted the NTA 2022 Cluster celebrations for the three districts; Amathole East, Sarah Baartman and Nelson Mandela Bay, with the intention of recognising excellence in educators who have been nominated to enter for National Teacher Awards (NTA) 2022 and honour their creativeness and dedication.

The aim was also to centre public attention on the positive aspects of Basic Education, and in doing so, raising the public image of the teaching profession, and most importantly to encourage best practice on schools.

Director, NMBTI, Chulekazi Xundu-Bula, stated that it was the first time celebrating NTA as cluster. “Our aim is to encourage more teachers to participate in the NTA processes going forward. We believe that if teachers could teach as if they are preparing for NTA presentations everyday, our learners would perform better and therefore results would improve in our province,” said Bula.

She added that NTA is also part of Teacher Appreciation and Support Programme (TASP), and as Teacher Development section it is their duty to do that.

Charles Duna Primary School, Science teacher, Jarren Ivan Gangiah felt invigorated and re-energized by this event and the award presented to him.

“It is a tribute to all of the hard work and love that goes into what we do at Charles Duna Primary School. One of the most important parts of this experience is sharing best practices and learning from each other.”

“I wish that every single educator would be acknowledged in a small way for the incredible impact we have as individuals and as a collective on learners and society as a whole” said Gangaih. He received 3 awards from the NTA in 2022; 1st in the district - Excellence in Natural Science Teaching,1st in the Cluster - Excellence in Natural Science Teaching, and 2nd place in the Province in his category -Excellence in Natural Science Teaching.

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