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Message from The MEC as we Countdown to the Release of the 2024 NSC Results

Author: ECDOE
Date: 06/01/2025

When we joined this ministry in 2019 we knew that it was not going to be easy but it was worth fighting for the renewed Eastern Cape (EC), based on our knowledge and understanding of the terrain that Eastern Cape was once the education hub of this country and no one can dispute that everyone and every family were sending their kids here for education in the pre democratic era. One critical question was and still remains, what went wrong?

Sama kwinto ethi " Yizani sakhe i Eastern Cape yethu sonke esiyithandayo" because surely something has to give. Steadily but surely we have shaken the ground and we are on the path of reclaiming the lost ground. We may have not done enough but we have to succeed, there's no other option, we just have to get it done, with all the tricks in the book.

Once more Eastern Cape people deserve the best and that best is surely coming, it is on our doorsteps.

With the support systems we have been enjoying from the EC people, our frontline educators who have sacrificed all for the people of this Province, our education officials from the tea lady, the sweeper, up to the HoD (Head of Department) who have carried the cross with everyone, across all sectors of our society, across all religions, our social partners with our unions , SGBs (School Governing Bodies), youth formations, business sector, SACC (South African Council of Churches), our Kings and Chiefs of our land, our academics led by our VCs (Vice Chancellors) of all our universities and the TVET (Technical Vocational Education and Training) sector, our government departments, Speaker and the legislature community, the Office of the Premier and Premier in person, thanks Bhejula Qwesha.

We are indebted to all of you, our collective wisdom and collective efforts have been yielding collective outcomes.

As we are patiently waiting for the Ministers announcement of the 2024 NSC results for the nation, bear in mind that aba ngabantwana babantu ayizo objects nor imizobo esemfanekisweni, ngabantwana bempula zikalujaca aba, abanye babo amakhaya wabo axhomekeke kule mizamo ka Rhulumente ukuze kutshintshe imeko zakumakwabo nemeko zabo nje ngeziqu, so when you are asked at whose interest it's your decision to remember lamazwi engentla.

So when we talk progress we must all know that we don't measure progress based on adding or multiplying to the abundance of those who already have something but rather to the impact of those who have little or nothing, so any progress is only progress when it speaks to those that are most unfortunate, most needy, vulnerable and destitute, who depends on the state interventions to make a living.

In essence these coming results are not just academic results but rather tools to shake up the ground and change the economic social power relations within our societies. Once more ukuba bekungengani ngemisebenzi yenu ngekuba saphelela entlango ntozakuthi, ngoko ke sibamba ngazibini ngemisebenzi yenu emihle, nizingce ngani.


Gade FD.