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MEC Gade sadden by the death of a marker in a car accident

Author: ECDOE
Date: 22/12/2022

The Eastern Cape Department of Education MEC, Fundile Gade has learnt with shock the passing away of a marker while travelling home from Strelitzia Marking Centre in Kariega (Uitenhage) to Mount Frere in a car accident, yesterday.

The deceased was a teacher at Zibokwana Senior Secondary School, while other three educators were from Mt White Senior Secondary School.

Report indicate the female educator from Mt White is in a critical condition as she sustained head injuries.

Family of the deceased have been informed of this incident and the district has sent a team of psychosocial specialists to support the family.

MEC Gade sends his heartfelt condolences to the families of the deceased.

“I am deeply saddened by the tragic loss of live. The sector is in mourning. The deceased person was our trusted soldier that did an excellent job of marking the Grade 12 scripts.

We pray for her family at this time and we will support in every way possible”. 

I also want to wish a speedy recovery to the one in hospital, while thanking God for saving other two educators from this freak accident.”

A case has been opened with the South African Police Services (SAPS) for investigation.

District officials are on their way to visit the families this morning.

Issued by: ECDoE Communications. For more information please contact the Departmental Spokesperson, Mali Mtima @ 062 0571591/MEC  Spokesperson Vuyiseka Mboxela @071 713 2222