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Initiation season message from MEC
As the examination period has come to an end, we are optimistic that the matric class of 2024 will achieve the envisaged 85% matric pass rate. Our officials have worked tirelessly to ensure thatwe reach the set target.
During the year, the Department has experienced, amongst others, various institutional, safety and nutritional challenges. Through collaborative work of educators, parents, stakeholders and learners, we’ve managed to overcome these and learnt valuable lessons along the way.
We are, therefore, steadfast and resolute in our efforts to ensure that we provide a conducive teaching and learning environment, even as we proceed to the next academic year, this is our commitment to the people of the Eastern Cape.
As the province, we are now in a traditional initiation season, where the Xhosa, Sotho and Mpondo nations, will observe the sacred rite of passage. Young boys will embark on a journey to the mountain to mark their transition to manhood. Our young male matric learners have reached a stage of going through this cultural practice. We urge parents, families and communities to ensure that our children come back safe.