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Induction of Circuit Managers

Author: Cheera-Dee Robinson
Date: 20/05/2024

The Eastern Cape Department of Education inducted 52 newly appointed Circuit Managers at the Mandla Makupula Education Leadership Institute on the 15th and 16th May 2024 in East London.

Teacher Development and Learning Institutes, Chief Director, Mr Jack, focused his presentation on “A circuit driven school centered education delivery approach.”  Jack highlighted the responsibilities of Circuit Managers, such as; Management of Curriculum Delivery, Leadership, Management and Monitoring of Education Provisioning, Resourcing and effective support to schools and Performance appraisal and development, just to mention a few.  Jack continued to emphasize the strategic importance and positioning of Circuit Managers, focus areas should be on learner outcomes, teacher competency and driving departmental policies.  He ended with wishing all the Circuit Managers the very best in their new endeavors.

Chief Director from the Department of Basic Education, James Ndlebe, gave a presentation filled with facts and experience on what works.  “What cannot be measured cannot be managed,” was one of the many striking phrases he used within his presentation, to practically add to this phrase he showcased and shared a variety of working tools which are used to monitor and assess schools.  Circuit Managers found this very helpful. Ndlebe shared a wealth of knowledge and left with a quote lingering in all Circuit Managers minds, “A person needs to decide consciously and deliberately to act as a leader and manager.   A will to aspire.”

Pula Tabata, Institute Head of the Mandla Makupula Education Leadership Institute, pointed out why this training was taking place, saying; “The issue of circuit functionality is a top priority to our acting Head of Department.”  “This training focuses on the core functionality, introducing their new responsibilities and leads to identify areas for more training.”  Tabata went on to say that this training enables them to engage with their principals and schools when they return to their circuits.  She ended off by saying; “This is one of the ways that will help improve the outcomes.”

Newly appointed Circuit Manager for Circuit 16, Vuyisile Patiana had the following to say about the training; “I feel empowered and I’m going to benefit more from this induction.  When asked what stood out to him the most, he said; “Get the parents and communities involved, get them onboard.  Do not exclude them.”  He further went on to give a message to the public, “Change your perception on us, if you begin to involve yourself, you would see the challenges and could possibly provide solutions and we could all move forward together.”