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HRD Handyman Training Presidential Youth Employment Initiative

Author: Akhona Matshele
Date: 02/10/2023

The Eastern Cape Department of Education Human Resource Development having an objective of capacitating unemployed youth who are participants of phase IV of the PYEI with Artisans skills held a 20-day (21 August-22 September 2023) handyman training at Border Training Centre in Mdantsane. 

The program is a start skills training that is implanted over a period of 20 days, were the first 10 days (2weeks) is theory and last 10 days (2weeks) are practical’s.

When asked Zandile Makayi, Human Resource Development (HRD) Provincial Training coordinator for PYEI, who is the target and what is the intended outcome of the training, she had the following to say, “The training targeted general school assistants that are appointed in special schools, the aim was to ensure that on completing the training participants would be able to create self-employability, be able to sustain themselves beyond the project and the possibility for others to even register companies.”

Makayi further went on to say, “The ECDoE, HRD is funding the training as part of capacitation, ECDoE contracted Border Training Centre to facilitate the training as an accredited training provider.”

“As the Chief Executive Officer, we are responsible to ensure that these learners are well trained and well equipped with the necessary skills which will help them to better their livelihoods and those of their families, our role is to ensure that these learners are competent. 

We produce highly skilled learners in their respective trades, opening their mind set as young people so that they know about these artisan trades,” said Nosipho Masiza.

Elaborating more on the above statement was a Border Training Centre facilitor, responsible for plastering and tilling Babongile Fodo, she said, “Our role as BTC facilitors is to teach students for a specific trade starting from theory to practical.

For example, my learners after completing the training they will be able to plaster and do tiling, they can do small jobs in their communities, homes and generate income to put food on the table without waiting to be employed.”

Speaking on behalf of the learners was Andiswa Ndumela who enrolled for the carpentry trade.  She said, “the training was very good, we were all participating and behaving, our facilitators were very good they made sure we learn as much as we can, we grabbed the opportunity we were given by ECDoE. 

The training was beneficiary we learnt almost everything that was taught because we were all serious, after having acquired these skills we will not sit at home like we used to, we will utilize the skills to generate income so that we are able to put food on the table.”