Eastern Cape Department of Education held a 5 Day (4-8 September 2023) Foundational Braille Training for Educators which was coordinated by Inclusive Education.
The ECDoE collaborated with an NGO Bona Buntu a program of Royal Dutch Visio which is an International program and SA Library for blind.
The innovative training course was to train educators in braille from special schools for visually impaired learners in braille from special schools for visually impaired learners.
It is also to enable educators to teach braille in the classroom using a variety of ways considering the different ways children learn i.e. auditory strategies games and movement the overall purpose is to promote literacy and to bring back braille back into classroom in special schools for visionary impaired learners.
When asked Clare Hubbard, Senior Occupational Therapist Directorate Inclusive Education, ECDoE what the intended outcomes of the training would be, she had the following to say, “It is to capacitate all educators, teacher aids and braille in our 3 special schools, the emphasis was also to enable them to teach braille in the classroom using variety of ways and considering the different ways children learn i.e. auditory strategies, games, movement etc.”
Additionally, MS Robyn Fick, Coordinator of Bona Buntu program said, “the training went well using an innovative approach to teaching braille in a fun and interactive way, an understanding of braille, how it relates to literacy and the learning was successful.
The educators participated in several practical sessions, group work, theory lessons to give them an understanding of braille, how it relates to literacy learning as well as skills confidently, effectively read, write and mark braille worker."
Miss Robyn Fick went on to say, “A multi-disciplinary team of trainers ensured the course was engaging and impactful from the design to presenting and all the tasks in between.
“As the head of Braille standards National Library of the blind, our intentions with the course was to teach the educators foundational braille so that they are confident in reading, marking their learners work, encourage educators to improve on their braille skills that they have learned and encourage their colleagues to do the same taking ownership on marking their learners work independently”
Speaking on behalf of the educational was MS Thembi Sithonga said, “We are all here for the program foundational braille training for educators which I found very interesting, fruitful, facilitators came prepared, friendly, and helpful from beginning to the end.”