ECDoE in collaboration with WSU embark on Unemployed Youth application drive

Author: Andiswa Mzizi-Dokolwana
Date: 07/09/2023

The Eastern Cape Department of Education and Walter Sisulu University has forged a partnership for implementation of Youth Development and capacity building programs that commenced from the 21st August to 5th September 2023 across the 12 Districts.

This initiative is inline with piliar 4 of the Human Resource Development Strategy which seeks to promote the creation of employment opportunities for Unemployed Youth, giving them access to participate in the country's economy.

Acting Director for Bursaries and internship programme Luvuyo Mgijima said, "The Department analyzed its Unemployment summary where we focused solely on the core business of Education which is teaching and learning.

We noticed that we have an aging workforce after our analysis, so we know in the next four years we will lose a certain number of teacher who will be exiting the system in thier specialization subjects, so we offer Bursaries according the identified need."

The signed MOU between the two entities has ensured the empowerment of the Youth through registering 200 Educations Assistants and General School Assistant on small business management training,assist with application of candidate who qualifies for a Bachelor of Education.

The Centre for Entrepreneurship Director, Dr. Thobekani Lose said WSU through its CfERI responded to the call for proposal by ECDoE to implement and train 2400 Unemployed individuals on entrepreneurship short course as part of contributing to poverty alleviation and social inclusion in the Eastern Cape Province with the aim to start thier own business.

This project is set to continue for the next coming three years as part of the PYEI.

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