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Department suspends two teachers for sexual misconduct

Author: ECDOE
Date: 11/06/2023

The Eastern Cape Department of Education has suspended two educators for sexual misconduct. The teachers from Bonkolo High School in the Amatole East Education District were suspended following a preliminary investigation prompted by information received from a whistle-blower.

Initial reports indicate that the two male educators targeted up to 12 girl learners between the ages of 17 and 18 years.

In terms of the Employment of Educators Act there are six types of serious misconduct specific to teachers and five of those include sexual assault, sex with a learner, serious assault, drug possessions and getting a learner involved in any of these offences, now carry a lifetime ban from re-employment. That means teachers that are found guilty of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment of learners can never work again at a public school.

The new terms and conditions of employment of educators were gazetted in 2021 to deal with cases of sexual misconduct in schools.

“We are horrified by this matter. Imagine two teachers investigated for sexual misconduct involving 12 learners in one school. It is clear that there are serious challenges at the school that we need to attend to as a department.

We will deploy our counsellors to assist in the meantime while the disciplinary processes continue. It is unacceptable and this kind of conduct must be rejected and condemned by everybody. It is gender-based violence targeting vulnerable learners,” said MEC Fundile Gade.

The Mbashe Teenage Pregnancy Project has also been redirected to the school to ensure more education and support for all learners.

The two officials, an educators and a principal have now been placed on precautionary suspension to enable the alleged victims and witnesses to express themselves without fear of intimidation.

MEC Gade called for more community support for learners especially this period of mid-year examinations. “This period needs a renewed commitment towards safety of our children.

We have to do everything possible to restore the faith and trust of the victims to the system, both as parents and government.

We promise to ensure the law is applied and that the culprits face the wrath of the law”, said Gade.

For enquiries, please contact the Departmental Spokesperson, Mali Mtima @062 057 1591/ MEC Spokesperson Vuyiseka Mboxela at 071 713 2222