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MEC Fundile Gade comments on the announcement of Grade 12 results

Author: ECDOE
Date: 20/01/2022

2019 and 2020 has been a strain in the sector in general and in particular on Provinces that experience some forms serious backlogs to an extent that you can boldly say there are two economies in essence two  nations within a nation.

We have to go beyond the call of duty engaging the social partners, unions business sector, SACC, religious African institutions, government departments our teachers and officials, students formations, Advisory council etc for us to have broken the cycle of repeatative findings on the performance  systems we have adopted.

We have to contend with the reality that we need to do things differently this time around.

were serious threats to these examinations as you will get to know that this is the period that the cases of social disorder and social contradictions from a religious orientation present themselves and took the country by storm when the Naki issue of Bhisho High. 

We have to take our hats off for our Principals, their SMTs staff and all our SGBs for they have outdone themselves and repositioned the Province. 

We need to learn out of this good work, consolidate our gains always, learn from those who have came before us and always look at blind spots.

The province registered the following gains:

  1. We have improved once more back to 73.5 from 68 %
  2. We are the 2nd most improved Province in the country with 5 % and above.
  3. We have moved to position 7 now out of 9\
  4. For the first time in the history of our Province all our Districts are above the national target norm which is 65 % hence this marvelous performance.

We hope that these results will be accepted by the people of the Province. This we say knowing very well that the population of this province expect us to continue improving the system.

Thank you!

Lisakhanya Tyatyaza (left) from Bhisho Senior Secondary School is full of joy as she discovers the good news of passing her Grade 12 with flying colors.
Image:  Pumzile Ludidi

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