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A welcome fit for queens Bisho High School Netball team

Author: Siyasanga Vena
Date: 02/08/2024

The under 17 netball team from Bisho High School left for Johannesburg in July to take part in the National School’s Netball Championships.

According to Nomasande Rala who is the Sports Master who travelled with the team, the competition started from circuit, District, Provincial and then straight to National level.

“Even though we left the province with hopes of bringing the championship home, the competition was tough. We are so proud of our learners, they worked so hard to qualify” said Rala.

She also encouraged the learners to work even harder for the 2025 tournament, as they now know what to expect in a tournament like this one.

Alu Ngubo a learner from Bhisho High School who was chosen as a player of the match during the tournament, was so excited about being given such an honour. “When they called my name, as a player of the match, I was shocked because it was a tough game after travelling such a long distance, and never really had time to rest. Knowing what we wanted to achieve by being there got us through and we truly did our best” added Ngubo.

The visibly proud Sithembele Fezani, who is the principal of the school felt it necessary to show his appreciation to the Department of Education for supporting the team. “We went to the Department seeking their support and colleagues from the Learner Development & Social Support Services (LD&SSS) Office made means to support the team and their needs” said Fezani.

He added that as the school they are very proud of the team and their parents.

Acting Chief Director (LD&SSS) Zukiswa Njontini also encouraged the team to prepare for next year during this year to improve their chances of winning next time.

It is always a great feeling to celebrate our learners in their various sport activities as these keep them away from social ills that they are facing each and every day at school and in their communities. They have done well and came 11th out of the 16 teams they played against in the tournament, we are here to congratulate them and to encourage them to keep going” said Njontini. She also added that the Department encourage s learners to participate fully in School Enrichment Programs and sports.