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Venue: Ngubethole Bam primary school in Dutywa

Date: 11/10/2022

Time: 11:00

The Eastern Cape Department of Education MEC, Fundile Gade will today, Tuesday 11th October, 2022 celebrate his birthday with learners from about 40 Mbashe Municipality needy schools at Ngubethole Bam primary school in Dutywa from 10:00 am.

The MEC deemed it fit to share his birthday celebrations with learners from local these schools.  This he will do by sharing with them goody bags containing school uniforms, shoes and other goodies for learners with indigent backgrounds.  Details of the celebration are as follows:

Date: 11 October 2022
Venue: Ngubethole Bam Primary school (Dutywa)
Time: 10:00 am

All Media houses are invited, and attending journalists will be afforded an opportunity for one on one interviews with the MEC, local municipality leadership including present stakeholders.

Issued by: ECDoE Communications. For more information please contact the departmental Spokesperson Mali Mtima @ 062 0571591/Vuyiseka Mboxela at 071 713 2222