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Venue: Albertina Sisulu Science Centre (Cofimvaba) 

Date: 01/08/2022

Time: 09:00

The Eastern Cape Department of Education (ECDoE) in partnership with the Department of Science and Technology and Innovation (DSTI) from today, Monday August 1st, 2022 will host a week long national science week at the Albertina Sisulu Science Centre, Cofimvaba at 09:00 am. 

The aim of this initiative is to excite youth with Maths Science and Technology (MST) innovations early in their academic life and growth.  Additionally, the initiative also intends to encourage the youth into MST subjects and spread science awareness. 

Although the primary target is school going learners, unemploed youth and the public at large including educators and learners from surrounding schools are invited. Details of the event are as follows: 

Date: 01-05 August  2022 
Venue: Albertina Sisulu Science Centre (Cofimvaba) 
Time: 09:00 am 

All Media houses are invited, and attending journalists will be afforded one on one opportunity foe interviews with the departmental leadership including present  partners. 

Issued by: ECDoE Communications. For more information please contact Mali Mtima @ 062 0571591/MEC Spokesperson Vuyiseka Mboxela @071 713 2222/Director: Nyamie Mgijima-Tokwe @ 060 530 0348